Last week Justin Trudeau put out an official statement that absolved Hamas of any role in the violence at the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip. Those “protests” were orchestrated by Hamas to generate violence and the worldwide condemnation of Israel that followed.
I understand Prime Minister Trudeau wanting answers on a Canadian citizen, Dr. Tarek Loubani being shot. What I don’t understand is Trudeau’s one sided statement.
He calls Israel’s actions inexcusable and then calls for the facts to be known.
“Reported use of excessive force and live ammunition is inexcusable. It is imperative we establish the facts of what is happening in Gaza. Canada calls for an immediate independent investigation to thoroughly examine the facts on the ground – including any incitement, violence, and the excessive use of force.”
Asked about this in the House of Commons on Wednesday by Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer, Trudeau tried to play the patriot. Later he begrudgingly admitted problems on the Hamas side but not overly strongly. Watch below.
We deserve better.
Canada deserves better than a prime minister that will put out a statement condemning Israel but ignoring Hamas. Was there a way to stand up for a Canadian citizen, however misguided, while also calling out Hamas for inciting violence?
Of course there was.
Despite what the Liberals, and their friends in the media, would have you believe, Canada criticized Israel under Stephen Harper. We could do that again.
Yet Justin Trudeau seems incapable of seeing this.
This may be due to his admiration of basic dictatorships, his love of countries such as Cuba or Iran that subvert democracy. I don’t know.
What I can tell you is that when Canadian academic Kavous Seyed-Emami died in an Iranian jail, there was no official statement to be found on Trudeau’s prime ministerial website.
As Conservative MP Garnett Genuis pointed out, the Trudeau government calls for Iran to investigate the death of Canadians in their custody but wants a full international investigation of a Canadian shot but not killed by Israel. I should note that Israel has a justice system that will go against the government of the day.
Can we say that about Iran?
Justin Trudeau has a strange worldview. I can’t say it is actually driven by an ideology or philosophy, it seems scattered at best.
His latest pronouncements on Israel and Gaza fit that bill.