Mark Carney can’t seem to stop lying about the little things, which makes you wonder if he can tell the truth on the big issues. It’s really something to watch the man who was

just handed the keys to the Canadian kingdom lie about something he didn’t need to.

I’m talking about the decision to host a signing ceremony to announce that he was scrapping the carbon tax.

First off, he didn’t scrap the tax, he just lowered the tax rate to zero via regulation but it’s still there. Secondly, as I described in detail in my latest column in the Toronto Sun, Carney’s little Trump like signing ceremony for the cameras didn’t see him sign an order in council or anything official, he signed a fake document with no legal authority.

Why would he do that? There was no reason to lie about this, he could have actually signed an order in council to be sent to the Governor General, it just would have required several cabinet ministers signing the document ahead of time.

Signing a fake document just looks silly.

Added to Carney’s claim of helping Paul Martin balance the budget when he didn’t claiming he had nothing to do with moving Brookfield HQ from Toronto to NYC and taking credit for the work of the late Jim Flaherty - it starts to look like a pattern.

Canadians don’t know Mark Carney yet but if he keeps this up, they will simply know him as Mark Blarney.