LISTEN: Glenn Beck interviews NY Post editor Sohrab Ahmari about bombshells and censorship

If you haven’t heard about the New York Post story on Hunter Biden, his links to a shady Ukranian oil company that paid him $50,000 a month while his dad Joe Biden was VP, then you might be living under a rock.

The story was banned by Twitter and saw reduced traffic on Facebook after both outlets claimed that the story needed fact checking and Twitter said their platform, “does not condone attempts to compromise or infiltrate computer systems for malicious purposes.”

Except, as the Post story made clear, that’s not what happened here. As has been raised elsewhere, if this story is banned why wasn’t the Trump tax return story last week.

This has gone from a story about shady Hunter Biden to a story about the role of social media outlets. Glenn Beck hosted Post op-ed editor Sohrab Ahmari on his radio show Thursday morning, check it out below.