Trudeau and the Liberals are “virtue signalling” on NAFTA

Look, I want Team Trudeau to do well in the NAFTA negotiations because for better or worse, they are Team Canada right now. But I can’t figure out what exactly Canada is asking for that will help businesses get better access to the American or Mexican markets.

They have asked for gender issues, indigenous issues, the Paris climate accord and now they have asked that the US scrap what is known as right to work states. None of that is aimed at getting Canada better access. Watch me break this down on my radio show. Also, make sure to tune in Monday to Friday from 7 to 10 pm ET at of via the iHeart Radio app.

UPDATE: A trade expert told me on radio that yes, it is virtue signalling and Trudeau is playing to the home base as much as Trudeau. Listen here.


  1. climate Barbie mom they are Laughton for me? and snowcracts they just sent the signal to Americans take everything and we are not work to trade !!!

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