I can’t believe that a month after I broke the news that Justin Trudeau had used his National Security Advisor Daniel Jean to plant a story with the media that we are still talking about it. That story broke on February 24, 2018 and here we are on March 27 and Trudeau and his government are still using Daniel Jean as a human shield to deflect questions about his debacle in Delhi.
We all know that Trudeau’s trip India was a disaster.
It was mocked in Canada, it was mocked in India where his outfits were described as being “too Indian for an Indian.” Then when he was caught with a convicted terrorist and failed assassin at an official event, and with an invitation to another event, Trudeau claimed to have no knowledge of Jaspal Atawal.
It was shortly after the revelation about Atwal’s invite broke in the news that Trudeau’s office sent out Jean to spin reporters traveling with the PM and reporters back in Ottawa, about the conspiracy theory that the Indian government was responsible for Atwal’s invite.
Just to be clear, Trudeau has blamed his backbench MP Randeep Sarai, he has blamed the Indian government and he has had his Global Affairs Minister apologize to India calling it an “honest mistake.” Three stories, all equally true. The new Liberal Trinity.
Meanwhile, as Conservative MPs have tried to get answers and ask for Daniel Jean to give MPs the same briefing he gave journalists, the Liberals have twisted and turned to stop it. Last week they sat through more than 20 hours of confidence votes rather than let Jean testify. Now they are simultaneously claiming that MPs can’t get the same briefing as journalists because the matter is classified and that nothing classified was revealed to reporters.
The Liberals have offered to brief Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer on the matter in his role as a Privy Councillor but that would preclude Scheer from asking questions on the matter or speaking about it publicly. They also say the only committee Jean can testify at is the secret Parliamentary committee of MPs and Senators where no one is allowed to discuss matters in public.
This is a major embarrassment for Trudeau and company. They have been caught claiming an ally was behind a plot to make him look bad when it was clearly mistakes by his own office and rather than fess up to that and take their lumps they are once again dragging out a story that will hurt them in the long run.
Today in the House, Trudeau tried to claim that MPs don’t need to hear anymore about this because reporters have reported and that should be enough.
That isn’t how our system works.
Watch below.
Drain Canada’s swamp. Time for a DJT in Canada