Is this the future NDP minister of erotica?

Political parties always find interesting candidates, especially ones that sign-up to help a party in a riding they aren’t expected to win. I have seen it happen in all parties but I’ve never seen an erotica poet run for office. Until now.

Meet Dwayne Morgan.

Morgan is described on the NDP website as, “an entrepreneur, social justice advocate, author, educator, and community trailblazer.” What the party doesn’t mention, and neither does his Twitter feed, is that Dwayne not only writes erotic poetry, he has a whole spoken word album about it on Spotify.

He writes about orgasms, nipples, bras, panties and stiletto heels.

“When you get home, there will be no sweet hello to greet you. Just your body against the wall, with wrists pinned above your head. While I frisk your curves, that I’ve been longing to caress,” Morgan writes in his piece When from his album Idle Hands.

Some of Morgan’s lyrics aren’t bad and while they are extremely sexual, it is an adult talking about his own sex life. On the other hand, some of it is over the top in its bluntness.

“And you can nickname me Katrina, because when my tongue gets a taste, I am going to make you cum until your levees break, and flood the room while you use a pillow as a flotation device clinging to it for dear life,” he writes in Turn You Out.

Lyrics like that, some of the repetitive nature of the themes and the women moaning orgasmically in the background can be a bit much but this isn’t an album review. This is about a politician and we just aren’t used to seeing or hearing politicians speak like this.

Let’s face it, if an MP on Parliament Hill stood up at an event and spoke like this there would be calls for their removal.

Now speaking of events, you can join Dwayne Morgan for an artists retreat next week at Club Med Punta Cana. Yep, the middle of an election that Morgan, and the NDP, could actually win, he will be in the Dominican Republic.

Come June 8th though, Morgan could be our minister of culture, or education or something….teaching us all how to be better artists and have lots of raunchy sex.



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