If we end up with an NDP government in Ontario, a real possibility that grows by the day, we could have some real crazy MPs in government or cabinet. From those that endorse the Leap Manifesto to those that think Remembrance Day is awful to an erotica poet who also appears to be a 9-11 truther, Horwath has them all.
Every party is going to end up with some less than stellar candidates.
I’ve been covering elections across Canada since 2000, I’ve never seen a campaign that didn’t have some doozies. This time though the media has been focused on the Progressive Conservatives, thinking they were the front runner. Well that and most journalists are naturally pre-disposed to hate conservatives of any kind.
But now we have the NDP creeping up in the polls and potentially winning the June 7th vote. Isn’t it time for some scrutiny?
Blaming the US government for 9/11.
I wrote about Dwayne Morgan, the NDP candidate in Scarborough North, last week, not because I was opposed to his erotica poetry but because it is so strange to see politicians speak like that. Well not only is Morgan an erotic poet, he is also a 9-11 conspiracy theorist and also pushes comments some might find homophobic.
Morgan has deleted some of his tweets about the September 11 attacks that killed almost 3,00 people including 24 Canadians but not all of them.
This tweet from September 11, 2010 shows him implying the US government was behind the attack. In case Morgan deletes this tweet as well I have screen grabbed it and will replace it.
@bishopcomedy well, I think it had a lot more to do with the US government and less to do with Muslims
— Dwayne Morgan (@dwayne_morgan) September 11, 2010
What does it take to believe, 9 years after the horrific 9-11 attacks, that the US government was responsible? What kind of mind thinks a democratic government, an ally, would kill its own people like this?
Apparently NDP candidate Dwayne Morgan can tell you.
Fight against Christmas and Remembrance Day.
Then there is the candidate that wants nothing to do with war other than a war on Christmas.
Toronto Sun columnist Joe Warmington wrote about Laura Kaminker, the NDP candidate for Mississauga Centre, late last week. Kaminker hates Remembrance Day and thinks the only war worth fighting is the war on Christmas.
In a 2014 blog post Kaminker wrote that she wears her “peace button” during November while waiting, “for the collective brainwashing to blow over.”
“When our masters give the signal, everyone can take off the fake poppy — made with prison labour — and create a bit more landfill. And another annual ritual of war glorification comes to a close.”
As the Toronto Star later reported, Kaminker said that the only war she would want to sign up for would be the war on Christmas.
This is not your father’s NDP folks.
Leaping towards Ottawa Centre.
Then let me introduce you to Joel Harden, NDP candidate for Ottawa Centre and endorser of the Leap Manifesto.
Harden has the Leap organization in his Twitter bio. He boasts on his campaign bio about campaigning against the Energy East pipeline. That is the pipeline that could have replaced the Saudi, Nigerian and Algerian oil that sails up the St. Lawrence River to supply Eastern Canada.
People like Harden would rather we import oil from countries with horrible environmental and humanitarian records than use our own oil. Look through his bio, look through the Leap Manifesto, find me the protests of imported oil.
These are just a few of the NDP candidates that people in Ontario need to know about. The New Democrats are surging in the polls, don’t you think people deserve to know
There are surely more NDP candidates out there with questionable views that should be exposed. With the socialist party surging in the polls, perhaps it is time for some scrutiny.
Re: Laura Kaminker,the NDP candidate for Mississauga Centre, she says she hates Remembrance Day and thinks the only war worth fighting is the war on Christmas.
In a 2014 blog post Kaminker wrote that she wears her “peace button” during November while waiting, “for the collective brainwashing to blow over.”
“When our masters give the signal, everyone can take off the fake poppy — made with prison labour — and create a bit more landfill. And another annual ritual of war glorification comes to a close.” I believe the allegation of poppies being made with “prison labour” is ENTIRELY FALSE. As far as I’m aware poppies have been made by an organization called “VETCRAFT” that provides employment for disabled veterans. The earlier poppies of the Fifties/Sixties had that name printed on the back, some of you may even remember that!
We already have a crazy one as the head of canada’jihadi justin trudeau’ who supports ISIS and terrorists and Shariah Law. And it is Horwath crazy ones we’re worried about.
This whole nation is in a mess thanks to Trudeau and the media.
We already have a crazy one as the head of canada’jihadi justin trudeau’ who supports ISIS and terrorists and Shariah Law. And it is Horwath crazy ones we’re worried about.
This whole nation is in a mess thanks to Trudeau and the media.
Being allowed to express your opinion is now considered “crazy” in Canada? That’s good to know.
Also: “What kind of mind thinks a democratic government, an ally, would kill its own people like this?”
Wow. You don’t know ANYTHING about history AT ALL, do you?
Heaven help Ontario if the NDP people from the left that advocate the Leap Manifesto get elected. This will be the nail in the coffin for ONTARIO. Keep up the good work Brian they need to be exposed.
Is a candidate applying the laws of physics to empirical data?
Oh it’s New Pearl Harbor, whoops 9/11. They’re insane if they do that to that.
Great to have found your blog. Thanks.
I agree that the Liberals will not win the election. We need someone who cares more about the citizens, than subsidizing corporations and the elite. That is why I am voting NDP.
It’s very obvious you aren’t a fan of the NDP party. I’d be interested to know which of the two (likely) remaining parties you do support. I’d love to see an article on each of them, revealing all the crazy candidates or any scandals or statements they have made that you don’t agree with.
My God Ontario this decision should be an easy one for you. You have had to tolerate the McGuinty/Wynne fiasco for over 15 years! Are you sadists? I live in Alberta and have had nothing but one disastrous policy to another from Rachel Notley’s NDP. Even the two NDP of B.C and Alberta can’t even agree. If you think McGuilty & Wynne were bad you haven’t seen anything yet! The leap manifesto is a disastrous proposition in terms of the sustainability of our country. Don’t be fooled by the platitudes offered by these lunatics. If you don’t like Doug Ford – I get it, BUT hold your nose and get rid of the socialists. Your province can’t handle another round of socialist ideologies.
I never have luck posing from email to FB. Any suggestions? BTW, watched your second installment and it was just great! Really like the way you plug the restaurants you are in and interview the owners. Liked the way Dave talked about how the beer is made, and how his son gave the taste tests and explained about the different kinds of beer and why they taste as they do. I’m a white wine drinker, and I live in Sarnia, Ontario, otherwise I’d try out their place! Excellent job.
Nothing new. The NDP are pretty much a bunch of fruitcakes desperately attempting to appear normal and on the level in order to get elected. “You don’t have to fear us?” However, even if their leader is competent, he comes burdened with the this baggage. Bob Rae anyone?
A sad collection of clowns to be sure. Not fit to represent a secular democracy.