CBC joins forces with far left, Soros backed group

Would the supporters of CBC like the idea of our left wing state broadcaster joining forces with an outfit like National Review to work on election coverage here in Canada?

Not bloody likely, despite National Review being a widely respected organization, it is simply too conservative for our state broadcaster. So why then is it seen as acceptable for CBC to partner with the far left group ProPublica to track and analyze Facebook ads in Canadian elections?

ProPublica was founded when a pair of wealthy billionaire donors to the Democratic Party decided they needed to fund journalism. In addition to millions from Herb and Marion Sandler, who also fund the left wing Center for American Progress, ProPublica is backed by a long list of left leaning foundations.

Among the list of donors, the Foundation to Promote Open Society, set up by none other than  George Soros.

Now this doesn’t mean Soros is going to be dictating news stories at CBC HQ but why on earth would CBC want to give it’s critics George Soros to wave around as further proof of their left wing bias? Soros has a history of funding projects in an attempt to change the political landscape in his direction.

He has funded projects to try and flip local political races to the Democrats, he has funded state races and he funds a lot of journalism, all of it in a left wing direction.

So what exactly is CBC doing with ProPublica?

They want you to help them track political ads on Facebook by installing an extension on your web browser and then reporting to them, through the extension, when you see a political ad on Facebook as opposed to a non-political ad.

That information will be fed into a database of political ads that can be analyzed by CBC and other news organizations and help us dig up and research news stories.

The information in the database is crowdsourced, so the more people who use the extension, the more entries will appear in the database and the more news stories CBC will be able to tell.

So in order to track the creepy tracking of Facebook, CBC and ProPublica want me to install an extension that will track my browsing and report it back to them. Not something that I’d like to be involved in.

I’m sure whatever stories come out of this won’t be biased at all.

A few major problems with this, beyond the creepiness.

The people taking part will be self-selecting CBC listeners and viewers which means a strong likelihood that they will be Liberal or NDP voters and far less likely that they will be Conservatives. I suspect this project will also attract people that are determined to showcase wrongdoing, real or perceived, in political parties or movements that they do not support.

Finally, this extension only works on Chrome and Firefox browsers on a desktop or laptop, it doesn’t work if you are browsing Facebook on your phone or tablet or are using a different browser. In Canada, mobile browsing far outstrips desktop, so this will be at best a self-selecting and limited take on what Canadians are actually seeing.

That data will then be crunched by left-leaning CBC and the crusading and far left ProPublica as they search for stories that will likely confirm their own biases.

What could go wrong?


Have you heard that I have a new show coming?

This has been in the works for a while, I’m adding a new project to my already busy schedule. So not leaving radio or giving up writing, but taking on something new.

It’s a fun concept that hasn’t been done before and I hope you like it. Give the video below a look see and sign up for the mailing list below so I can let you know when we are fully able to launch.





  1. Your mission reads,” … We are independent of all lobbies and of all political and economic influence.” You are not meeting this when you continuously push one agenda. What happened to the days when both sides of a debate were heard, panelists from both sides defending their position? Letting the people draw their own conclusion on some issue? It’s infuriating when you neglect to be be fair and balanced … irresponsible and criminal when you deliberately try to have an impact controlling the minds of the people. Canadians deserve better!

    • Give me a break! He’s clear in his biases, unlike the CBC. He’s actually meeting his mission in that he is writing pieces w/opinion provided, clear of influence from outside parties. Almost all mainstream media is slanted or far to the left. Great example is look at the CBC coverage of Nora Loreto’s tweet. Three panelists who all defended her and painted her as a victim without discussing the pathetic and disgusting nature of the point she was trying to make.

  2. I think CBC should have it’s Government funding pulled ASAP. I do not see any adds anywhere on the Internet, I run ad blockers and they work well

    • I agree 100%. CBC has ceased even trying to appear unbiased and balanced even tho the dreaded ‘far right’ which is ANYONE NOT FAR LEFT LEANING, pays half the taxes that goes to support the CBC.
      The CBC needs to stand in their own, with no tax dollars going to support them they can feel free to lean in whatever side they want… take tax dollars and you must be over zealous in ensuring a balance of sides, stories and opinions.

  3. Go EFF yourself Justin! Just like your Dad (take your pick which one), an inveterate cheater!

  4. Really dude. Still on your jihad against the CBC and stealing the Soros dog whistle from the States. Sad. Yo remember when Conservatives created their own propaganda network and it went out of business because Canadians saw through your bootleg Fox news bullshit. Good times \m/

    • it is easy to see through your bullshit…Sun News relied on private funding ..without $1.5 billion annually from the taxpayer how long would the CBC survive..really …Dude…you are dumber than you look.


  6. I wonder whether Soros, through Probublica, has made a financial offer to the CBC in return for their cooperation. Media can be bought, particularly left-wing media in my opinion, so it wouldn’t surprise me.

  7. You know they’re supported by 30 other foundations, have partnered with dozens of other news organizations, and have won four Pulitzers, right? BUT OH NO GEORGE SOROS.

  8. You might want to leave Pulitzer’s out of you argument. It no longer has any credibility.

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